Prayers for Peace in Our World

A great big “Thank You!” to all those who offered Hail Marys individually, as well as prayed within communities, healthcare facilities, and in our parish school. When we added up all those prayers reported to us, we had ….


Daily Rosary

We welcome all to join us after each 9:00 AM Daily Mass to pray the rosary. We especially need prayer during these troubling times!


What is your treasure?

   In this weekend’s Gospel, the rich young man seemed to have everything: he had financial security, he followed the commandments since his youth … most would consider him very blessed.  But when he asks Jesus what else he must do to enter Heaven, Jesus tells him to sell what he has, give to the poor and to follow Him.

   Be careful what you ask for, as the young man went away sad.

  Clearly, the only reason he was sad was because he did not believe he could do what Jesus asked. Something in his possessions had a vice-like grip on his heart more than his desire for Eternal Life.  He had become consumed with the things of this world, and more specifically, the things of this world that belonged to him!

   I had a seminary professor who was a Dominican priest, and he spoke of when he was a lowly seminarian, as a Dominican they always wrote their name in their text books this way: “For the use of Mr. Larry Porter.”  Within their religious community, even the textbooks he needed for priestly study were not really his possession.

   Great wisdom can be found in that approach to possessions! The only things which we truly “own” – according to Saint Augustine – are our sins.  Every other possession we receive as gifts from God, and God directs us to use them for the common good of humanity.

   That doesn’t mean that we must give away our earthly possessions and take vows of poverty as members of religious orders do; it does mean that we should be cautious about how important we consider our possessions, especially compared to the people in our lives.

   Jesus said to “give to the poor.” Who are the poor in your life? Perhaps they are your own family who need your time more than your possessions? Perhaps we should all evaluate the balance between our work lives which help us to gather into barns the fruits of our labor, and the joy that Jesus intends when we spend time with our family and friends.

   Instead of asking, “What is my treasure,” perhaps we would be better served to ask, “Who are my treasures?” Hopefully, Jesus, family, friends and a few strangers are included in your answer!

  - Father Jim

Please click here to visit the website for the 2025 Jubilee Pilgrimage.

To learn more about the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal and to donate online, please click here.


Hospice Care Information

On Sunday, October 16th, OLGC offered an information program on Hospice Care and Spirituality at the end of our lives. We had a good turnout of about 35-40 parishioners in attendance. For those who may have missed the information session, below are links to the documents which were shared with the attendees.

Please always remember: if your loved one needs the Sacrament of the Sick, do not hesitate to call us at (856) 425-0181, our parish Emergency Number, and Father Jim or Father Jack will respond immediately to your request.


Faith at Home

These links provides you with the latest one-page resource for families, Faith At Home; it connects to the theme of the upcoming Sunday Liturgy. This resource is updated each week and can be found on the diocesan webpage at and en Español at 

May God continue to bless us and keep us close to Him.


Please support the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that together we can help local families in need.   Those needing help should call the SVDP helpline at 856-291-7313. 

Local food pantries include:

                  Live Civilly:  St. Matthew's Church, 318 Chester Ave.

                  First Baptist Church, 19 West Main St., Moorestown

                  Bethel AME, 512 N. Church St., Moorestown

SVDP also has Thinking of You cards available. A gift can be given to the poor in the name of someone special at your

request.  You will be remembered in the prayers and works of the Moorestown Vincentians.  We are so very grateful for your

generous ongoing donations.



Respect Life Homily

Deacon Tom Kolon shared a wonderful and informative Catholic perspective on Respect Life, encompassing current events and statistics that spanned from end of life through the very beginning in the womb. You can re-watch his homily on the live streaming or may click here for a written copy to share.

Tom Kolon 2.jpg

Our Promise to Protect

The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors.  The Diocese has in place a Victim’s Assistance Coordinator, who is available to obtain support for your needs and help you make a formal complaint of abuse.

If you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296-2965 or via email at

The Diocese encourages anyone with an allegation to also report that abuse to their local law enforcement agency.  The Diocese reports all allegations received to the appropriate county prosecutor’s office.




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"Do whatever He tells you" - John 2:5

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